#writeyourstory – A little writing tip

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Great writers are great readers. Reading expands vocabulary, writing expands imagination. The combination multiplies both. #writeyourstory It has been said a thousand times – reading makes for better writing. In my life I have read hundreds of books. Many books … Continued


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Liberate yourself from the chains that have bound you by doing what you love the most. #writyourstory. Life is too short to go through it and not be engaged in what you love. Even doing what you love is a … Continued


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Anyone at the top of their field has spent many hours working without comfort, convenience or accolades. #writeyourstory and be rewarded… My observation of success is that it is kind of a strange phenomenon in that those that are wildly … Continued


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Don’t be influenced by today’s current affairs. Instead live passionately in such a way that influences the lives of others. #writeyourstory One of the most important things that happens to Nathaniel is that he finds a piece of paper in … Continued


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Imagination is the fuel that propels our thinking and our love for life to great heights. Wrapped in it is all possibility. #writeyourstory. Imagination is such an important element in life that when we are living without it we don’t … Continued


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Now is not the time to rest on accomplishments. It is the time to embrace change and transformation and go to new heights. #writeyourstory. I love the online world for so many reasons but trying to reach a large audience … Continued