Best Children’s Books and Young Adult Books of 2014 and 2015 and of All Time

posted in: Media Frenzy | 0

Day Three:


Part of my online marketing campaign obviously is to get the word of my book out to the largest audience possible. What I have been doing over the past two weeks is joining facebook book groups. The total membership of all groups combined that I have joined is somewhere in the vicinity of 400,000. I know that may be several people that have done the same thing but if only 20% of the people see my ad then that is 80,000 people and if only 10% of those buy my book or download it for free during my upcoming campaign then that could result in many sales and reviews and that is exactly what I want this campaign to produce. Reviews and sales.


It might produce more views to my video trailer which will in turn produce more traffic to the web, which hopefully will get bookmarked for future visits/sales.


The reason I focused more on the marketing aspect of this 175 day blog run is that yesterday I got a really good personal review of my book that hasn’t been put online yet. It has given me that extra boost that my book is really good, and it is. It may not be for every person but I think it has a lot of commercial appeal.


One thing that does have to be fixed prior to my online campaign is the title of the book. Everywhere my isbn is located the side text has the magical pen instead of a magical pen. I wonder why that is. Seems like this last 2% of finalization is the hardest.


And so I leave you again with a quote from Olan from Trankarri – The Boy with a Magical Pen. “It’s all possible with imagination.”


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