The pain of a first proof

posted in: Trankarri Update | 0

So just when I thought all my hard work was done and I could finally go online with my new book and market this thing I get my first proof. It was both a high light and a let down because after flipping through it briefly I saw two illustrations out of place that I should have caught two months ago.


Now I am on my second read and making my minor notes and changes – a little here, a little there. It is interesting that I didn’t catch these earlier. I honestly think that is the benefit of reading the book in book form instead of in pdf form online. I actually see the mistakes.


So all in all it was a moment of victory followed very quickly with the thought of more work to get to perfection. And what I mean by perfection is that I have done all that I could to bring a great quality book to the children’s market.


Oh well. After these couple of changes and revisions I think it is off to the races.

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